Accelerate your portfolio performance

With an LGT Crestone Lombard Facility. A Lombard facility is an investment loan, sometimes referred to as a margin loan, that allows you to leverage the capital in your portfolio to increase your investable assets.

The benefits of a Lombard Facility from LGT Crestone

A truly global solution

Access global opportunities and limit your currency risk exposure by borrowing or using FX forwards through in any one of the following currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, NZD, USD.

Consolidated reporting

Holding all your investment assets on the LGT Crestone platform allows you to benefit from consolidated reporting, including tax reporting, and a daily credit position report for the Lombard Facility.

The trust of an A+ and Aa2 rated lender^

Enjoy the peace of mind of dealing with LGT, the largest privately-owned wealth manager in the world. With a dedicated Australian-based Credit team we pride our selves on the level of service we are able to offer our Australian clients.

Accelerate the performance of your portfolio

Our Lombard Facility enables you to invest more than would be possible by using just your own funds, magnifying your return potential.

Diversify your investments without realising capital gains

With more funds to invest you can spread your potential risk across a wider range of investments. You can achieve this without the need to sell your existing holdings, which can result in capital gains implications.


Easily access equity in your investment portfolio without the need to sell your holdings and incur the tax consequences. With the Lombard Facility you obtain a line of credit for investment purposes.

Access opportunities

Using the liquidity a Lombard Facility provides you can efficiently take up investment opportunities as they arise without disrupting your long-term investment strategies.

Utilise excess investment income

You may wish to forgo dividend and interest income for potentially higher growth. Our Lombard Facility can use this investment income to fund exposure to a significantly larger portfolio.

Manage currency exposure

Borrow in the same currency as you wish to invest to reduce your exposure to unwanted currency movements. FX forwards are also available under the Lombard facility to tailor your currency exposure.

Tax considerations

Interest payable on borrowed funds may be tax‑deductible, provided that the funds are used for a business or investment purpose. You can also prepay the interest on your loan in certain circumstances.


Jay is a young executive looking to accelerate returns on his portfolio. He is a partner at a law firm and earns a high income. Still a long time from retirement, Jay has a long-term investment time horizon, and favours growth over income generating assets.

Using the LGT Crestone Lombard facility, he could increase the size of his investment portfolio. Although both gains and losses can be magnified by adding leverage, his long-term investment time horizon is suited to this strategy. As an added benefit, the interest expense on the Lombard facility may be tax deductible.


Helen is a company director and holds a sizable holding in her company’s stock. She wishes to diversify her exposure into a portfolio of international securities, fixed income and alternative assets to improve returns and reduce volatility within the portfolio. However, she does not wish to sell out of her company’s stock entirely.

Instead, Helen takes out an LGT Crestone Lombard facility, and using her existing portfolio and company stock as collateral, she may be able fund the purchase of the portfolio recommended by her investment adviser. Whilst there is additional risk from utilising leverage, the benefits of diversification include less volatile returns. As an added benefit, Helen has deferred the realisation of capital gains tax on her company stock.

Manage currency exposure

The Williams Family Trust currently has exposure to Australian assets. They wish to maintain their Australian holdings and to add exposure to European assets in EUR, where they expect the EUR to depreciate. They are comfortable to leverage their portfolio which will increase the level of risk. 

They may use the LGT Crestone Lombard facility to establish a Euro (EUR) loan. The EUR loan position will allow investments in European holdings which increase the exposure to the Euro. Alternatively, they may prefer to hedge exposure to the Euro using FX forwards.

Speak to one of our private wealth advisers today

^ Credit Ratings A+ from Standard & Poor's and Aa2 from Moody's as at March 2023.

Important note

This web page was produced in January 2024.

This document has been authorised for distribution to ‘wholesale clients’ and ‘professional investors’ (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) in Australia only.

This content has been prepared by LGT Crestone Wealth Management Limited (ABN 50 005 311 937, AFS Licence No. 231127) (LGT Crestone Wealth Management). The information contained  on this page is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute, nor to be construed as, a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any financial product. To the extent that advice is provided in this web page, it is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs (your ‘Personal Circumstances’). Before acting on any such general advice, LGT Crestone Wealth Management recommends that you obtain professional advice and consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your Personal Circumstances. If the advice relates to the acquisition, or possible acquisition of a financial product, you should obtain and consider a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or other disclosure document relating to the product before making any decision about whether to acquire the product.

Although the information and opinions contained in this document are based on sources we believe to be reliable, to the extent permitted by law, LGT Crestone Wealth Management and its associated entities do not warrant, represent or guarantee, expressly or impliedly, that the information contained in this document is accurate, complete, reliable or current. The information is subject to change without notice and we are under no obligation to update it. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. If you intend to rely on the information, you should independently verify and assess the accuracy and completeness and obtain professional advice regarding its suitability for your Personal Circumstances.

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